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Customers & Experiences


„“Coming together is a beginning,
staying together is progress
working together is a success.”

-Henry Ford-


„“Coming together is a beginning,
staying together is progress
working together is a success.”

-Henry Ford-

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References - Mandates

AP Fashion Group

Zum Zwecke der Nachfolgeregelung/ Verkaufsvorbereitung der AP Fashion Group ("AP“) – einer der führenden Luxus Einzelhandelsgruppen auf Sylt – wurde die ADF Management Consulting GmbH ("ADF“) 2019 mandatiert. Vereinbart wurde ein Zeitrahmen von 2 Jahren. Während dieses Zeitraums hat die "ADF", vertreten durch Herrn Alexander Wirth, als Interims Management das operative Management des Unternehmens übernommen. In persönlicher und enger Abstimmung mit dem Kunden, wurde die "AP“ in allen Bereichen analysiert und zukunftsorientiert neu aufgestellt. Von der Erstellung von Potenzialanalysen pro Shop und Marke, über eine verbesserte Produktdarstellung, der Etablierung eines Multi- Brand- Stores sowie einer gezielten Personaloffensive hat die "ADF" Veränderungen eingeleitet. Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeit war dabei die Optimierung des Einkaufs sowie eine Verbesserung des Waren-Managements, inklusive Einführung eines Warenwirtschafts- und Kassensystems. Zum Frühjahr 2021 konnte eine geeignete Nachfolgeregelung gefunden werden und die Geschäfte Ralph Lauren Sylt, Fay Hogen Sylt, Malo Herno Sylt und ehemals Frauenschuh Sylt verkauft werden.

Karl Otto Louis Peiffer
(CEO & Founder of AP Fashion Group)

“ We have known Alexander Wirth for more than 10 years and together with him as Managing Director of Ralph Lauren GmbH have built up and developed the unique Ralph Lauren store on Sylt. He has a great deal of experience in the trade and industry and we value his active, dynamic and forward looking vision. He is the ideal person for US to set up and develop the “AP Fashion 2030” Strategy & Vision for the AP Fashion Group. “


John Hooks
( Former President Ralph Lauren Europe / Deputy Chairman & Vice President Giorgio Armani )

“ During my time as Group President of Ralph Lauren Europe, Alexander was responsible for the German, Austrian and Swiss markets as well as others in Central Europe. Alexander was a diligent and constructive manager in a challenging market. He was able to create strong growth and was forever on the look out for innovative solutions and new opportunities. “

Geoffroy van Raemdonck
(CEO Neiman Marcus )

” Alexander lead Ralph Lauren’s accelerated growth in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Central Europe with great success. He is has deep Omni channel experience with strong understanding on how to drive digital and eCommerce performance. Alexander is a well rounded leader with a clear vision and a strong bias towards action. He knows how drive growth and improve margins. “

Tord von Dyrssen
(Ralph Lauren President Wholesale Europe and Middle East 2006 -2016)

“ When I hired Alexander Wirth, he quickly set out to build a strong organisation for the German, Austrian, Swiss and Central European markets. Together with his team, Alexander developed the regional sales to be the number one within Europe and EMEA. Always with an eye both on the quality of the distribution in terms of presentation and the bottom line profitability in terms of the return on investments. Alexander’s innovative thinking, tough negotiation skills and relentless strive for excellence brought a best in class positioning across all brands and all channels across the markets. “

Frederik Malm
(President Coach Europe & International)

“I had the pleasure to work with Alexander at Ralph Lauren. Alexander led the team to deliver significant growth, both from a top line and a bottom line perspective. Alexander has a very in depth knowledge of the DACH region and how to maximise on business opportunities spanning from Retail, Wholesale to Digital sales channels. Alexander is a dynamic leader and he is always finding constructive and innovative ways to deliver on the objectives set.”

“The stationary and digital commerce of tomorrow means understanding the needs of customers, creating comprehensive shopping and experience worlds.”

German Retail Trade Congress, CEO Round Table 2017 - “Trade in transition” - Berlin.
